Friday, December 8, 2006


The bible study tonight touched on the passage about David and Abigail. The passage is not new to me. But my readings was more on the early part of the chapter - 1 Samuel 25:6

"And thus you shall say to him who lives in prosperity: 'Peace be to you, peace to your house, and peace to all that you have!'......

This is the greeting that David sent to Nabal. It was a well meaning greeting, and David's men had been good to Nabal's men, giving them protection in the fields. Nabal ought to have been grateful for the protection and offered David's men something out of his abundance. However, he did not. And David would not have been guilty had he done harm to Nabal after this, for he had repaid evil for good.

Sometimes, I fear to pronouce this greeting of peace... "Shalom!", for I believe, that we too, as God's own, and stands righteous in God's sight. Woe would be to him who heed not such greetings of peace, but continues to deny us our dues, or had meant malice. For the Lord fights our battles.

And so, my "Shalom!" greetings had always been, to be reserved mainly for those who are sincere and blameless in their dealings.


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