Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The love of Christ....

I finally finished reading the book 'A Frank Boreham Treasury' (honestly, I am never a book person). Not all the mentioned 'great names' are familar to me. Some, I have not even hear of, but nevertheless, they definitely had made history. Although, I do not totally agree with some of the passages, but on the whole, it's still a book worth reading. Some of the questions or doubts that crossed my mind was.... was it the stubborn and strong-willed human effort at work in the lifes of some of these 'great' men of God? Definitely, many of these great men had been touched by God and called to the work, but are there also amongst some of them, men who had worked hard at it, because of their own strong-willed desire?

But amongst some of these 'great' men, there is one, which I can relate to. And, he's one, whom I had not heard of, or known before - Adoniram Judson (1788 - 1850).

The text that he holds so closely - To comprehend.... what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ. (Ephesians 3:18-19)

Yes, there's so much in the text. And, I suppose only those who have been touched but the love of God would be able to appreciate these words. They resound again and again in our minds and we never grew tired of these precious words. Everytime we are reminded of it, it brings the same and even greater sweetness. Oh, only if we can fully comprehend, (which we would never be able....) to understand, to know, to grasp, to feel, oh, to fully comprehend... what is the breadth.... far wider than we can imagine..... what is the length.... far longer and farther than we can see... the depth, ... far deeper than we can reach..... the height,... far higher than the highest height....... indeed, the love of Christ, so dear, so all encompassing, so amazing, so sweet, so warm, so close, so ...... beyond words....... oh, the love of Christ.

And, how I wish for you all, to know the love of Christ!

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