IRC friends offered various suggestions for the cough and sore throat that seems to be the prelude of a flu. Dissolve a tablespoonful of honey in a glass of warm water and squeeze in two slices of lemon (bright yellow type), they said. hmmm... can worth a try, afterall, the half jar of honey had been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks. A bad habit I have is that I tend to let alot of food expire in the various neglected corners of the kitchen. Well, it almost did the trick. At least the soreness is gone and the cough is clearing up. I still have about 4 spoonful of honey left in the jar, with one bright yellow lemon sitting idle in the veg compartment. But the flu didn't catch on. phew~
But then again, the mouth ulcers have also been bugging me for the last few days,.... from the brushing of teeth in the morning to meal times and tea-breaks. Now I can imagine how a fish would have felt when caught by a hook. I thought a higher dose of vitamin C might do the trick, but it didn't. The remaining stock of oranges in the fridge was converted to squash and gulped down. Not any relief either. Guess it will have to run its course before it heals.

But looking back, I should have taken a simpler remedy. Afterall, it had been preached and taught many times. The Holy Communion is there for our benefits. Why did I forget about it? Not enough faith? Or trusting too much in my own efforts and strength for the healing?
The bread and cup is there for me. But not only for the healing touch, but also the heartwarming reminder of Jesus, His works on the cross, His sacrifice and substitution in my place. I hope I will not forget again.
Oh, by the way, the ulcers is on the mend now. :)
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