The budget report in the papers this morning makes good reading, but guess will have to take some time to digest it and assess what is the impact for me. Wonder if there's anything beneficial for me.... but on a first glance, the tables on total GST spendings vs the Offset Package looks impressively tailored by the statistics people. But what they did not factor in is the full 7% GST amount. Rather, they had only shown the 2% increase. lolz.... what a low down trick. Always presenting a half picture. I guess this is the way things always goes when you want to show a good rosy picture. You always present things in your favor. Hmmm.... I'll take my time to go thru' and scrutinise these in details later tonight.
The spring cleaning is almost all done now, with just the study room to tidy up. Should have been more hardworking during the past few months, but anyway, what need to be done, will have to get done. sigh~

Saw another vase at the porcelain stall, quite like it. Looks alot like one of those antique Ming dynasty vase. The owner brothers gave me quite a good price for it. Afterall, had been browsing their ware for the last 2 weeks and had chatted with them quite often. They even treated me and another old uncle from the neighbourhood to a late night supper of their home-cooked mushroom noodle. A little starchy, but the mushroom smells and taste nice. That's hospitality. Looks like they will be staying over for the Chinese New Year. Somehow, the business wasn't doing too well and they do have a problem selling off all the goods. That's the problem of doing business here. Hear the rental of the stall for the 3-4 weeks amounted quite alot, so wonder if they managed any profit for this season.
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