Got this bike from one of the guys I used to meet on weekends during my morning jogs. They had been pestering me to go riding with them for quite some time now. Given my health setback the past few months, I had to cut down on the jogging and was doing leisurely walk most of the weekends. Well, since this guy had wanted to cut down on the number of cycles he is owning now, I relented and paid him for the old bike.
Really needed some time to get familiar with the cycle. Adjustments to the height of the seat, were made with some help while other adjustments have to wait. Took the cycle for a couple of spins down the familiar park connector. I was getting to love the thrill of being able to speed down the track.

But I guess, everyone must go thru that fall off the cycle some time in their learning trip. That came suddenly for me. It was one of my off days when I decided to workout on the cycle along the park connector - up, down the connector for about 4 rounds. That makes a good 16 km. and decided that it was enough. But round the corner, just turning onto the carpark access road below my flat, I flew off the cycle! It happened so fast, that I was not even able to say what really happened. I only knew that I landed hard on my palms, sprained the left wrist and scraped the skin off around the area below my left knee. phew! that was painful.... a painful first fall....... lolz.... I guess this is all part of the thrill.